Tuesday, June 20, 2006

follow me to word press

okay, i've figured out how to construct this thing. the solution is to do it somewhere else. so i've found an open source blog host called word press, and if you'd like to see more of what i'm doing, please pick it up there.
and let me know you made the switch, so i can count you among my oldest and most loyal readers.

Monday, June 19, 2006

construction news, a novel by jeanne

construction news, a novel by jeanne

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Maybe i need to switch blog hosts

there doesn't seem to be any way to make categories, so i think i may have to switch to another blogging host. perhaps wordpress.
i'm looking into it at the moment.
i doubt if i have any readers at this point, so i don't think anybody's going to notice the change, but just in case, it'll have the same title, construction news, a novel by jeanne.
i'll let you know.

watch me write a novel

Welcome. I'm in the very beginning stages of writing a novel, and I'd like to invite you to participate in a blog project - writing Construction News.

I'm going to start with the bare bones of an idea, a bunch of characters, and a what if attitude. Slowly an outline will form, and then I will separate it all into chapters and start writing.

I tend to write in fits of inspiration, spending six hours or so staring off into space while my fingers fly along the keyboard. To be honest, it's as if I'm spending time off in la la land while the fairies write it for me. Too cool.

But when I'm done writing a chapter, it'll be an unholy mess, and then you'll get to see me correct spelling and fix ideas and edit for stupidity.

And then the fun part, the part I couldn't do if this were a printed book. I get to link themes to other sites on the net. In my last book, SPLAT, I had a great deal of fun commenting on the action with pictures, or explanations, or alternate points of view. You get to see my research, my notes, the links I followed to get the background facts.

I'm still designing the blog page. At this point, the main column will be the finished chapters, one by one. The sidebar will have various categories:

  • Synopsis
  • Characters
  • What else would anyone like to see here?
  • Research links
  • Miniblog, if i can figure out how to do it here, of daily construction updates from the actual construction project.

If I had less of a life, I would learn html and design my own page. I've even got the tools, and a fucking manual. So maybe...you might find drastic new redesigns of this blog, even tho I'm sure it's a very bad thing for usability.

Please make comments, tell me what you think and make suggestions. I'll start posting content as soon as i figure it out.
